Well, to say the first 9 weeks of “Year 2” have been a dream would not be a lie… While there has been a lot of planning going on, there has also been many, many overwhelmingly awesome happenings.

The original business plan called for doubling business each of the first 3 years. Totally attainable as the first year was only a handful, making two handfuls and then hopefully three… I did my research, I crunched the numbers. Double each year, as a side-hustle and be out of the ‘day-job’ game by the end of Year3 to make FULL career. – Can do.

Please note I started with the “original plan.” Plans changed in the best way possible. Year 2 goal was met in February (yes, before Year 2 officially even started!); flip a few weeks ahead and by the end of March- only one month into Year 2, it was almost triple the business from Year 1.

Uhhhh. WAIT- what?! I better count again, double-check my math. No, no that’s right… TRIPLE.

Holy. Cow.

Now, I really hope this isn’t sounding brag-y because that is NOT at all the point. While my calendar is full, my back-up plan is not. The security and ability to walk away from the ‘day job’ is not there yet. The off-season backing is not in full force.As mush as I want Valley & Oak Events to be my only thing- it’s just not there yet. Therefore, as my “Season” starts a little later this spring I am cranking out the hours in not one, but TWO temporary ‘day jobs’ to build up that support to be able to have total focus on my couples and their love stories when the time comes over the next few months. I say temporary, because both jobs know it’s not for ever and literally come June I’m on each schedule all of 3 days for the month. I wish it didn’t have to happen, but it’s hard to turn down a great supplement to allow The Dream to happen.

This leads me to the title of this story. “It’s only temporary.” I have uttered this phrase easily 3 times a day for at least the last 5 weeks. I can say that I am tired. I am cranky. I am feeling like Drew and I are ships passing in the night, with maybe an hour of actual time together. I am a terrible dog-mom and feel like I have been neglecting my sweet Leo. The fridge is empty, the laundry baskets are full.

While it’s been exhausting to have 3 schedules to keep track of on my calendar (thank goodness for color coding!), there is beginning to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes the light for sure got lost, but after taking a night to sit and eat ice cream from the tub in my sweats, it reappeared. I saw a quote an industry vendor whose drive I have always admired shared on social media. He is a hard worker and truly believes in giving a 115% at every event he’s working. For him, it’s not just one night- it’s the memories attached to the atmosphere it creates. The quote was

“Breathe, darling.  This is just a chapter.  It’s not your whole story.”
 -S. C. Lourie

I read it when it was first shared and really just kept on scrolling. I didn’t realize how much I actually needed to hear those words until days and days later. I went back and looked at the post at least four separate times. It was tugging at my heart and I had to let it sink in, to really FEEL it.

Now, this is my thought: this really is just a chapter, a phase. This crazy, busy time will be fondly thought of come Year 4, Year 10.. when I think back to just starting out and all that was accomplished since then. It sucks right now, but I am able to say that “it’s only temporary” with full confidence. I ask you to bear with me if you’re a client- I promise I will be in touch as soon as I can. If you’re a friend, continue to be supportive, share and send champagne whenever you see fit. For all others- send all the good vibes and great thoughts for growth and strength.


Please enjoy this CUTE family photo., centered on the most important part- Leo.
Credit: West Mitten Photography


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